The PE Sneak Peek: Aug. 23, 2016
Posted: August 23, 2016 - 5:29pm

Here are the stories keeping our reporters busy Tuesday:

• Police had to chase a swerving driver two miles down the road before he stopped for them, they say. But he never topped 35 mph.

• A local game preserve specializes in leading hunters to big bucks. They recently led a disabled vet to one of their biggest.

• A church finds itself stuck between history and frugality as it faces a bill in the thousands to pay for a crumbling chimney.

Look for these stories and more in Wednesday's Press Enterprise.


Check out these stories popular with online readers today:

• Montour County says a woman built a shed without permission. Now it wants her to pay fines.

• A waitress is suing a local restaurant chain, saying it didn't pay a high-enough wage.

• In Sports: See how local high-school golfers did at an area tournament. 

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