The PE Sneak Peek: Oct. 26, 2016
Posted: October 26, 2016 - 6:22pm

Here are the stories keeping our reporters busy Wednesday:

Help for horses: Thanks to locals' generosity, abused horses from across the state have a place to recover.

Break-in busted up: A burglar picked the wrong house to break into, police say. Not only was he caught by the homeowner, but he needed stitches before he could be arraigned, the cops say.

Rehab behind bars: A defendant asks a judge not to bail him out of jail so he can stay away from drugs.

Delivery drama: A pizza deliveryman blamed bad blood between him and an ex-relative for a harassment citation. Police disagreed.

Look for these stories and more in Thursday's Press Enterprise.


Check out these stories, popular with online readers:

Rural recycling trashed: Someone is dumping trash at what's meant to be a spot to recycle.

Piercing alleged: A lawsuit accuses a surgeon of mistakenly cutting the heart of a patient.

Less health debt: Obamacare has cut down on the amount of medical debt one local hospital is seeing, its CEO says.

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