
Published on August 30, 2024 - Page 15
DEAR DR. ROACH: I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism many years ago and have since been put on Synthroid. Since I am extremely healthy other than...
Published on August 29, 2024 - Page 6
DEAR DR. ROACH: My mother's blood test has a sodium level of 130 mEq/L. She is not on diuretics, and she does not have heart or kidney problems....
Published on August 29, 2024 - Page 6
Q: I read with some interest melatonin could be helpful for reflux at night. When I took 3 milligrams of melatonin, it kept me awake. Is this a...
Published on August 28, 2024 - Page 7
DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband is 77, and I am 68. Our health deteriorated during the pandemic. When should we switch to a gerontologist for our...
Published on August 27, 2024 - Page 7
DEAR DR. ROACH: Is there a research group studying the aftereffects of COVID? My husband has been exhausted since his second bout of COVID in June...
Published on August 27, 2024 - Page 7
Q: I had a recent bout with anal itching. I traveled out of town and forgot to take my meds with me. After a few days without meds, the anal itching...
Published on August 26, 2024 - Page 7
DEAR DR. ROACH: Can someone have diffuse multiple myeloma with serious symptoms (like bone pain, pale skin, amber-colored urine, constipation,...
Published on August 23, 2024 - Page 12
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 65 and have been taking 5 mg of finasteride for more than a year to address benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). My PSA score...
Published on August 22, 2024 - Page 5
DEAR DR. ROACH: My sister has a real problem with alcohol. I have tried to get her into a rehab program, but she is resistant. I have read...
Published on August 21, 2024 - Page 14
DEAR DR. ROACH: I recently had a urinalysis done for pain I usually get from urinary tract infections (UTIs). The results showed some of the tests...
Published on August 20, 2024 - Page 7
Have you ever fired a lawyer, a plumber or the person who cuts your hair? Many people develop long-lasting relationships with such individuals. When...
Published on August 20, 2024 - Page 7
DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been confused about what normal blood pressure is for me (or anyone). I know there are some issues on what normal is today....
Published on August 19, 2024 - Page 12
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 84-year-old woman recently diagnosed with hydrocephalus after an MRI scan. I understand there isn't any treatment besides a...
Published on August 19, 2024 - Page 12
Vaccinations are considered one of the great advances in modern medicine. Diseases like smallpox, polio, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough,...
Published on August 16, 2024 - Page 14
Q: For me and others, Adderall has suddenly stopped working. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 54, and this medication has changed my life with its...
Published on August 16, 2024 - Page 14
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 81-year-old male in good health. Four months ago, I was diagnosed with meralgia paresthetica. It's a compression of the...
Published on August 15, 2024 - Page 7
DEAR DR. ROACH: I'm a 78-year-old man with a stent and a blockage in one of the arteries to my heart. I am on a low-fat diet and take ramipril for...
Published on August 14, 2024 - Page 7
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am almost 96 and in good health. In June, I went to see my oncologist for my 10-year follow-up after a left breast mastectomy. The...
Published on August 14, 2024 - Page 7
Q: For years, I suffered from sinusitis and hay fever. It started at age 38 as seasonal allergies, progressed to summer colds and then to all-year-...
Published on August 13, 2024 - Page 8
Q: You have written about under-breast rash, and I wanted to share a solution. A lot of the women in my walking group use an anti-friction stick on...
Published on August 13, 2024 - Page 8
DEAR DR. ROACH: I've read tattoo ink contains known carcinogens and getting tattooed can cause skin reactions years after. I also read tattooing can...
Published on August 12, 2024 - Page 14
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am an 85-year-old man in good health. I am not overweight, and the only prescription I have is a nose spray. I have mild...
Published on August 10, 2024 - Page 12
Q: My husband has a pair of running shoes that smell like mildew. The shoes are not used for intense activity or running, but for every day. We have...
Published on August 9, 2024 - Page 14
DEAR DR. ROACH: I'm an 80-year-old man in generally good health, but I have trouble urinating. It comes out in dribs and drabs, and frequently, I...
Published on August 8, 2024 - Page 9
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 47-year-old female who has suffered from an irregular period for the past 22 years. I was prescribed combination birth...
Published on August 8, 2024 - Page 9
and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D. Q: I used to be an X-ray technologist. We were taught the lower arms and hands as well as lower legs and feet could safely...
Published on August 7, 2024 - Page 7
DEAR DR. ROACH: Please look into citrus bergamot. It is a beneficial supplement that lowers cholesterol very efficiently and effectively. It lowered...
Published on August 6, 2024 - Page 7
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 67 and have a lot of medical issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, a previous heart attack, a small stroke and a...
Published on August 6, 2024 - Page 7
We are in the middle of travel season. Getting out the door on vacation can be a stressful time. In all the fuss, people may forget to pack crucial...
Published on August 5, 2024 - Page 17
The No. 1 cause of death in the United States remains heart disease. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, more than 700,000 people...