Vacation Start/Stop Request

Going on Vacation?

Let us start or stop your paper according to your vacation schedule!

Vacation Requests will be accepted Monday through Friday. If vacation requests are received after 12:00 noon on Friday, your request will not be made effective until the following Tuesday. Please provide ample notification when submitting a stop/hold request.

If you are looking for the Press Enterprise in Riverside, California, please go to their website here:
Subscription Information
Stop and Start Dates
What would you like done with your papers?
Hold papers and deliver them upon my return.
If I am a MyPE Anywhere subscriber, I will continue to have access to all the news via my online account. If I am a print only subscriber, my subscription will be extended for the number of days I will be away.
Use this option when moving temporarily or permanently
Enter an address below where we will have your confirmation emailed to you.
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